

Luxury Pet Retreat Packages

We specialize in luxurious pet retreat packages that include spacious accommodations, interactive play sessions, and pampering spa treatments. Give your pet the ultimate vacation experience with us!

Sunny Retreat


A custom one on one playtime for your pet, with a healthy treat!

Tropical Bliss


Your pet will delight in two custom, one on one playtimes and an enrichment activity! 

Paws In Paradise


 A luxurious getaway for your pet, filled with 3 custom one on one playtimes, delicious treats, enrichment activity, and picture updates!!

Healthy Treat - $3 

Picture Update - $6 

Additional Playtime - $12 

Enrichment Activity

Silicone puzzle mat enriched with frozen peanut butter to keep your pet mentally stimulated and busy! - $5 

The above list can be used as a la carte services

**When you have another pet receiving a package, the second pet will enjoy a 50% discount on their order.

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